It’s Our One Year Anniversary!

It’s Our One Year Anniversary!

Gattai Hobby’s online store and proxy service has been up and running for a year now. It has been a year of trials and triumphs with getting the website online and the disaster that hit us here in Japan where we are based.


We would like to thank you all for your business and feedback during our initial year. It has been a pleasure serving you and working to provide a more satisfying shopping experience for everyone.


To celebrate our one year anniversary we will be having a “Present Campaign for are customers. The full details will be released after the one year commemoration of the Tohoku Earthquake on March 11th, a very important day for all of us here in Japan.


We are looking to further develop our business this year with a number of new updates coming to the site that are meant to enhance your collecting experience through us.


Thanks again for your business.